Saturday, January 21, 2012

For Pop











#12 (approx 4 ft)

expensive (300 dollars) But there are many similar dog statues that are cheaper
#22 (the glare in the picture is right where the nice color is, I like this one) same size as the vases over your fireplace
#26 some framed pictures. about 20 inches by 20 inches
#28 glass art   3 ft x 1 ft
#31 R #32 Left
# 33 framed scroll, I can take more pictures of scrolls, too
these are fairly large, about a foot and a half tall, maybe 2 ft

#38 i don't know what this is. do you?
#39 wooden sculptures of lucky buddhist gods. about 1 foot tall, a little less
#43 buddah mask, wall hanging
vase, 80 dollars
#47 I just threw this in here for fun, it's 4 ft tall
#48, #49 50,000 yen vase. about 600 dollars. I like the turqouise brown thing to the left too. approx. 4 feet for the vase
#50 glass art, about 3 feet by 1.5 feet. approx 100 dollars

sorry the picture is poor quality, but this item is actually really cool. it's like a laquered glass painting, it's really nice. the gold can be a little bright, but in most lighting it looks good. Bret and I were thinking about getting it but it's 60 dollars. not bad for art though



